Sunday, January 15, 2012

There and back in a day

It does strange things to your body and head when you get up in the morning and fly somewhere and come home and put your head on your own pillow.
We arrived in Comox at 10 am and were greated by Louise who graciously volunteered to pick us up at the airport along with the miriad of other things she had to do. Today was the day of Mike's Memorial.
Her whole family was there helping, along with her 5 grand children and Mike's son and daughter from France.
The memorial was lovely, people spoke of the Mike they knew, and since he had so many facets to his life, everyone's story was just a little different.
Jenny said that as a child she was sure he was 100 years old for all the things he crammed into his short 70 years.
He was in the Israeli army, he caught cobras in the desert for venom, he owned a pub in Germany and one in Canada as well as a hotel in Liberia. He was a record producer, a farm hand, a cab driver, a realtor, an importer/exporter....and the list goes and on and on.
Tears were shed and old acquaintences were renewed and I think Mike would have liked that most of all.

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