Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Donkey Days

The alpacas just east of John Ware ridge. Jewel gently taking an apple from Kat.

Linda took us out to meet the miniature donkeys which live on a property bordering the Kananaskis. They were very agreeable animals and did like our visit with horse cookies and petting. The day was magical with sparkling snow, brilliant sunshine, blue skies and mild temperatures.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas morning

No one got up too early, I think the action only began around 9:00 am. Kat was completely overwhelmed. She was quite content to just play with her stocking. Not necessarily the contents but the stocking itself.
Until the dolly was unwrapped. All thoughts of raising a daughter with dump trucks and mechano only were instantly dismissed from Heidi and Dan's plans. The baby dolly stole the show.

We enjoyed meeting Walter's family and everyone enjoyed our Christmas dinner. Thanks to my 3 chefs and Dan the scullery maid. Lots of good conversation, lovely pear cordial and a runway floor show. Erin dressed up Kat from the back closet 'tickle trunk' and she was more than willing to do the runway walk.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

As Days Go

This has been a challenging day. Some coins wedged themselves in the washing machine pump and the only way to dislodge them was to open the pump door (Swedish machine) next to the floor and try and stem the flooding the best I could. Hours of this and the soaking up of water from the carpet and dumping the carpet cleaner which sucked up the water and I am exhausted. I almost forgot to go outside and enjoy a lovely winter day. This doesn't make up for my sore back but it helped me forget about it for a while
Ahh the river and trudging along in the snow on a lovely day.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Let it Snow!!!

Snow in our back yard. We are saving the pristine white snow for little Kat to play in. Ginger hasn't been out in the back since early fall. So, there will be no nasty surprises to find in the snow. The thermometer is rising and will be +8 tomorrow. No bunny tracks or coyote foot prints, did you notice? I put seed in the bird feeder today, I hope the little birds didn't freeze waiting for me to fill it.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Desert View Point Grand Canyon Arizona

We drove to Desert View Point and then we climbed up to the second floor of the tower to get this view. There were a few people standing around with their jaws open. This vista was just stunning. Approximately 10 miles to the north side and who knows how far to the eastern desert. It was pretty chilly but the sun had some warmth but not enough to convince us to take off our jackets.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Honourable Mention

All publishing
rights reserved
December 3, 2009

Thin Skin
by Wendy Morrow

She always managed to inflict a wound upon herself before she went. Her old skin was becoming thin and the burn was blistering. She wrapped it in gauze and slipped on her gloves.

“You shouldn’t go you know.” Her husband grunted beneath his paper. “What do you know about these people?” He harrumphed and snapped the folds straight. “They’re not like you don’t you know?”

‘They are nice to me.’ She wanted to say but the lump in her throat got in the way.

“You’ll be a laughing stock”.

She tucked her poem into her pocket and closed the door.

This is the story that won me honourable mention in a short story contest. I was rather pleased since it is an international writing contest.