Sunday, January 15, 2012

Okay, so you asked for pictures....

There goes Bryan, trotting off for his morning walk along the beach. Not to shabby eh? Easy to take a stroll at 72F degrees in the morning. Not so easy to get up and get dressed and start the car and drive through -15 C or so to get the the gym.

The sand is very deep here, unfortunately I didn't discover until the last few days that the snorkeling was exceptional on our very own beach and I didn't have to drive anywhere. There were coral mounds around which the fish would collect and hide. Any disturbance on the sea floor would bring them out to feed on the microscopic organisms that floated out. What a feast for them and for my eyes. All I had to do was float.

I loved the drift wood that washed up. There were plenty of little wee sticks but not many large logs, I guess being out in the middle of the Pacific ocean not many sources for trees. Those that washed up high enough got a really neat silver sheen as they polished smooth.

We  found a beach which was off the beaten track. and I mean beaten track, we have never seen a road so rough, not even in Fiji. Pot holes as big as a man hole and nearly as deep. Real tires eaters. This beach was on the lee side and so no rough water,. People were camped and some were set up with several tents and permanent looking surf fishing rods right under the No Camping sign.

this is part of the rough road.

practicing with my new Nikon 9100 on the macro ...this is sand.

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