Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Achilles Agony

Well, I think I have really done it now. It feels like my heel is on fire.

After my dance class this morning, no, actually during my class, I felt the burn. I shredded my tendon a few years ago when I was hiking and after my chiropractor treated it, I gained full use again but I was careful. Today it reminded me that it was there.

I guess I have been overdoing it lately. I dance 3-4 days a week for an dance I mean Jazzercise and I take a yoga class once a week. Every opportunity I can take I walk.

Today I came home and soaked my foot (with my whole body attached) in a hot bath of epsom salts. I know that was probably the wrong thing to do but the pain was travelling up my leg and I felt like babying myself. I know I should have iced it and elevated it but somehow the lure of the jacuzzi won me over.

Fortunately I can take tomorrow off and prop my foot up...after stretching of course.

Hey, I wonder if tight ham strings are related to this? And tight quadricepts? One thing leads to another.

I wish I could find a pair of cozy socks that I could wear in my wonderful new dance shoes that would give me cushioning on the bottom but would be a fine weave on the top. Hey Ann, is there such a thing?

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