Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The reno begins

I am so grateful that our housekeeper could help me yesterday. We packed up the china and pictures and finished the dining room and the living room, Tonight, when I get home around 7 I have to get the kitchen set up in our wee little office kitchen down stairs. You can't swing a cat let alone a mouse in it.
The kitchen is being taken out Monday morning and the ceilings come down a day or two after that. I had hoped I would have more time but alas it is underway now.
So, we have to get everything into a pod in the driveway as well as organized in the basement for that is where we will be living for the next 3 months.
I am cooling my heels in the docs office right now, he will probably check my blood pressure....it is bound to be high today.
Before I pass out every night I hope to remember to blog.
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