Saturday, January 30, 2010

January Days

When the sun begins to climb and takes its arc higher and wider into the sky I feel an optimism that boring old January will soon be forgotten. The roads are icy ruts and the snow banks are dirty and everything looks shabby and worn.
One bright light in our dreary January is going to the new dog park. Everyone has opinions about the layout and it does seem that there are unnessary restricitions on our freedom to walk the paths but at least the parking lot is a joy to drive through. Gone are the teeth rattling cracks and swimming pool sized potholes and mud tracked into the car. A smooth asphalt surface, what a joy.
We walk sometimes with Peg and Charlie. Charlie is about 9 mo old now and is so full of energy. this is Charlie flying around the park. I love that picture, he has all 4's off the ground. He could do 100 laps, Ginger can do 1 on a good day. But then Ginger is nearly 13 years old.

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