Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Our friend Mike has passed away

We got one of those horrible calls again today. " Dad just died," said the sad voice on the end of the phone.,, After a long hard fought battle against cancer our friend Mike Jackson succumbed last night at 9:30. He was in hospital in Comox. About the time Bryan decided to pour himself an 'Oirish'. He doesn't usually do that but felt the need for one about the same time. An unwitting toast to his dear Irish friend.
Mike was a very close friend of Bryan's and mine. I can't believe how many hours, if they were counted up, that the two of them spend on the phone together. They discussed the economy of nearly everything, the politics of nearly every country and predicted often about the economic  precipice that they were peering over. It was with great glee that one would call the other about some brilliant buy in a mining stock or somesuch and how much they would make if they sold it today. The next day the call would be about how much they could average their losses had they sold when they first thought of it the day before.
If it wasn't for those nefarious bastards in the city that controlled the stock they bought.
For over 36 years we have been friends, we laughed a lot together, we ate wonderful food together and drank the best wine together. If it wasn\t for Mike I wouldn't know that I should expect to get the best. Mike had the most wonderful sense of entitlement and why not? He always expected everyone to give their all and he would pay for that priviledge.
He stayed in the best hotels, travelled first class and demanded the finest service. He was generous to a fault and over the years has been a kind and loving friend.
We will miss him greatly.

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