Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Look who's in the Garden

Look who is peeking out from under the leaves.
I braved the onslaught of mosquitos to check the crops. The strawberries are Eversweet.

The grass is swampy from all the rain, I am sure there are some plants who would have appreciated more sand in the soil, like the grape. Grapes don't like wet feet, ergo the reason they grow on south slopes. I may dig it up and pour some sand in its bed. I don't think I will get far with it this year, unless we have a long hot dry spell.
The rain has been relentless, and huge black clouds are always circling the city at dinner time. So that puts the kibosh on BBQ's, because if rain isn't annoying enough, then the mosquitos come out to feast on us. But the upside is that they bring the song birds.

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