Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Birthday in the Kananaskis

What a lovely day, the weather was warm when we left home...+14C and dropped to about +5 by the time we got to Kananaskis Lodge for brunch. We ate too much but drove down Hwy 40 to Hwy 541 and back home but along the way...

This was the first frost of winter, like a dusting of icing sugar.We were pretty high up but not yet at the highest point slong the road.

I love those ears, she can't hear a thing but it has been her job for all of her life to the the sentry. She loves her back seat, she has a lot of room back there, more than any other vehicle she has owned. Yes, it is true we get cars to fit the dog, it is all about her, this one has lots of windows and the back window on this one has a nice ledge to rest her chin upon.

This mountain sheep just stood there, he had been  posing  for the cars ahead of us and now he was just waiting to jump the rail and go down for a drink in the river.

I love this cloud, it just hung over this mountain and didn't move, a foreshadowing of winter.

This sheep just walked along the road, we couldn't pass him, he had been on the yellow line until I found the camera and then he moved just a tad. It was his road afterall.

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