Saturday, May 22, 2010

Off for a Hike to Snoqualmie Falls

When we have rounded up the crew after breakfast we will head to Snoqualmie Falls for a hike. Now that I have learned to post from my phone I will send a picture or two. I can't find a way to make my old Canon Powershot work. It hates my batteries and my SD card. Maybe I can find someone to help me. I am also going to find a little handycam for our business so that I can upload movies of our listings.
I see how the Black Spot jazz club reunion has taken on a life of its own. Wow! A lot of people want to be involved. I think that is wonderful. Maybe there should be two events because people will be coming from near and far and as hair greys and time ticks by there may not be another one.
Just my two cents.

We drove through North Bend Washington today which stood in for the fictional Twin Peaks. I took some photos of the famous restaurant that served the cherry pie and the lumberyard where the body was found wrapped in plastic. Actually the town reminded me of Pemberton for some reason.
Part of the current claim to fame for this town is the rail road restoration of old steam engines.

We stopped at an outlet mall and I scored an amazing find for Bryan and if on the off chance he reads this blog I will withhold the info on the gifts and reveal their identity on a later blog.
After dropping off Dan and Kat, Heidi and I went shopping at the shrine of DSW and Nordstrom Rack, then off to the Bellevue mall for more wallet extractions. We scored.

Tomorrow we will look for Costco. I will buy a camera and that will be that.

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