Monday, June 25, 2012

Oregon and back or bust 1st post

I couldn't wait to get out in the morning for a walk with Lexi along the beach. We had a nice view from our little room, not as nice as this but we could enjoy the beach and the ocean. And of course the smoke from the beach fires at night. Oh well. Early morning was magical.

I wouldn't have known that this was an Auk rookery if I hadn't gone to the Oregon Coast aquarium in Newport the day before. They tell me that the crested Puffin and the Rhinoceros Puffin are two that nest here.

Tillimook Light House. Turns out that this has absolutely nothing to do with the cheese.
The houses on the bluff sell for more than a $1,000,000. and this is the view.
If I lived there and woke up to this tsunami warning siren I would die of a heart attack well before the tsunami arrived.

Bryan being dragged by Lexi, I think she saw a seagull that needed to be herded

My feet really were blue. It was so cold on the beach.

The oregon coast aquarium

a crested puffin


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