Tuesday, December 13, 2011

G's first Christmas luncheon

Stuffed with homemade chicken soup, pita sliders, grape tomatos, mandarin orange,cup of milk, rice crackers,gorgonzola cheese and a wedge of lemon. That was what the tiniest guest had for lunch.
She was somewhat wary of |Toto at first and then she discovered that she had all the power and could feed him. He very daintily took the crackers from her wee fingers and she was delighted. But she came alive when Unca B put Ray on the stereo, This kid is a dancer.
L brought over two huge boxes of toys for her. I mean huge. She has more toys than most kids get in a lifetime. L's grand daughters donated their toys and filled my back room cupboards for G.  I hope she takes one or two home with her each time she and her new- to- come sibling visits until my cupboards are bare.

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