Our old girl Ginger is still hanging in there. A couple of weeks ago we thought she was starting to go down hill and indeed I suppose she was. She is 13 1/6th years old and that is old for an large dog. A mixed breed however seems to be more resiliant to aging complaints than pure breds. Our mostly shepherd girl comes from a long line of reserve dogs which must surely by now be a breed unto themselves.
She was lethargic and her breathing came heavy. She would go out for pee and poo only and straight back to her bed. She was exhausted.
After multiple xrays and another physical it was determined by her vet that she has a very stressed heart, some infection in the lungs and heart and spondiloza in her spine.
All of which after lengthy consultation with her doc can be fixed with a careful and exacting extraction of our wallets.
So today, first day in the process she is on antibiotics and a mouth rinse (after brushing), this will progress to an ace inhibitor and a diuretic. The good news is that she doesn't have an enlarged heart or congestive heart disease. I suppose we could put her through the dental cleaning and extraction process, but that would mean an anesthetic and I can't put her through that. I would rather chase her with her toothbrush and rinse her mouth out with this incredibly expensive (69 bucks) mouth wash. You would think you would get a pail of mouth wash for that price, or several pails but we got about 4 ounces. I will always complain about the prices but the truth is there is no ceiling except discomfort for my dog. I will not keep her on this planet on this plane after she wants to go.
Anyway we still have our old love and she will feel better on the antibiotics.
Tomorrow is bath day. The weather will be warm and she can roll outside on the lawn after her bath. She loves that.
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