I Think I did It This Time
Erin Morrow
I have packed everything in a box and placed all of those boxes together by the door. I have washed walls, floors, toilets, showers, curtains, shelves, floors behind shelves and everything in between, with the exception of Ashley's Room. My furniture has been taken apart and the screws and keys have been saved in a Ziploc and put in my purse. I have arranged for a small army of bussers, door guys and generally fantastic friends to lend a hand on Saturday. I hope to have a lot finished on Friday so that Saturday can turn into an un- packing party. There is not one belonging of mine that I have not dusted and packed carefully after deciding if it shall come with me or take the dumpster detour. I have sorted bins filled with hotel soap, hair bands, and grade 4 report cards. I thought ahead and packed a suitcase of clothes and toiletries to get me over the next couple of days. Every piece of clothing I own has been washed. I am sitting here writing in my underpants. I have had my hands in dust bunnies, floor cleaner, dust buffalos, Windex, dusT-rexs, ripping hot vinegar water. My hands have desiccated and peeled so badly I might have to move to a village in India next for advice on leprosy. My vacuum quit working and Ashley's mop sucks but that's okay, tonight I will sleep on the floor.I have never been this prepared for a move. I for one am pretty impressed with myself.
But Erin, what's the funny Angus twist? There's always a funny Angus twist!
So, I get home last night at 3:30am. I had packed and cleaned all day and then gone to work for 8:00pm. My hands have fallen victim to so many days of packing, cleaning, working. I am moisturizing every 10 minutes only to end up washing it off because of everything they do. So, I crawl into bed without even so much as the glow from the television (I packed it), I take my glasses off, turn over onto my side and rub my face with my hands. It hurt. My poor dry hands! I reached to the bedside table where I have been keeping my "moving time" toiletries and grab the tube to quench my hands. Its pitch dark but a squeeze a good size amount on to my hand and manage the lid back on without incident. I then eagerly rub my hands together, in between my fingers, all around my wrists, then... wait, thats weird this must be really old cream, it's not really slippy...Toothpaste.
I just need a hand taking the top of my wardrobe. I'm short.See you in the morning.
(There will be pics to follow)