Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday morning

There ws no change when we went up to the hospital last night. Connie had been there earlier and left a picture of herself, Olive, Mat and Alyssa. Mum enjoyed looking at the picture again when we showed it to her. She smiled and took a long time looking at the picture with her reading glasses on.

I think she lives in the moment. Not the last moment, but the present and I am not sure she is fretting about the next moment.

It was nice to see that Melissa was on the ward. She is an RN and the neice of Archie and Bev's Cora. She has met Mum and had Olive under her charge last Sunday. We had a nice chat about things, she will be watching out for her.

Mum had a little pain last night, we aren't sure what it was from but the nurse took care of it quickly.

We expect Dean and Leah to go up to visit her today. I know she will enjoy that.

One week and some has gone by. Not much has changed, her speech has not improved. She seems resigned. It is difficult to understand her sometimes, she tires easily and when she can't make herself understood, she just shrugs and smiles.
Will post tonight after our visit.

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